[Download Link] PES 2019 Stadium Telia Parken by Arthur Torres

PES 2019 Stadium Telia Parken past times Arthur Torres
New Stadium Telia Parken ( Parken Stadium ) abode terra firma of FC København / FC Copenhagen for Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 PC game past times Arthur Torres. This stadium likewise compatible amongst PES 2019 Stadium Pack MjTs-140914 as well as likewise Stadium Server.
Team ID : 1207
Stadium ID : 009
Team ID : 1207
Stadium ID : 009
Installation :
1. Extract amongst WinRAR.
2. Create / Build the file to CPK file with CRI Packed File Maker.
2. Copy CPK file to your PES 2019 Download folder, seat cpk file below cpk of PES 2019 Stadium Pack MjTs-140914.
3. Generate amongst PES 2019 DpFileList Generator
4. Done !
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